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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wish List Wednesday

I will play this week. I do not want much. I used to love fancy things but I feel that I outgrew them. Oddly, I am so much happier and at ease now that my life is so simple and I am free from lusting after material possessions. But...

I wish for a cottage. A cozy and sweet cottage in the woods for my little family. Maybe there would even be a small brook where Olivia could skip stones and I could have my organic garden. Most likely we could get a couple of hens, too.
And just for fun, because I can actually buy this very soon, two Sophie giraffes. Olivia loves chewing on everything and I think she would fancy her.
The second Sophie is for Tre, the pea's best friend. Photobucket


Eliska Bobeeska said...

We LOVE Sophie. I have many photo's on my blog of her too! She is the best.

Jessica said...

awe, thanks :) luckily he's not teething yet
and a cottage would be lovely, we would come visit you and perhaps build one for our little family a mile away from yours