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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pea the Great.


I am enjoying my little girl so, so much these days. What adjectives come to mind when describing life with her right now? Fun! Silly! Challenging! Tiring! Sweet! Did I say fun? She is learning and growing quickly, every day it seems she learns something totally new and exciting. Like a sponge, she absorbs all we do and say (yikes!) and is so stimulated by our daily life.

In the back of my mind I carry the constant reminder that in a few short months she will have to share my arms and affection with a little baby that (I don't think) she even knows exists. Olivia will touch my stomach and smile at it but I doubt she understands the concept of another human growing in there. Everyone keeps saying she is now the BIG sister, and she won't be the BABY. Well, they are wrong.

Something very important to me will be to make sure everyone remembers Pea will only be 19.5 months old when her sister is born. It will be imperative for me that she continues to enjoy being a BABY, a young toddler, and not a small child before she needs to. Though she is so eager to learn and do everything for herself I still see tiny hands and her hair still smells like it did when she was brand-new. Most nights she wakes up in our bed, her small body curled into mine. I am not sure how Olivia will embrace her new role as the older baby in the house, but I know that her mama will have a hard time letting go of her first little girl's babyhood.


Shauna said...

I don't know why but I just got the feeling that the baby might be named Paulina! Is this name on your list?
Congratulations with everything!

The Watzeks' said...

You are right. It's important to remember Pea will still be a 'baby' herself.

My two are 19 1/2 months apart (boy, girl). Having a little sister, didn't make him become the 'big' brother. He became a brother, but there was no growing up needed. He grew up on his own time. He wasn't expected to be the bid kid just because there was the other little life living in our household.

Now, they're growing up together and it's such a joy to watch. They share an amazing bond and I'm sure your girls will do the same.