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Friday, April 30, 2010


I get it. I am so much like my dad. Though I have never openly admitted to this, I know it's true. Everyone says so. My dad is overprotective to the point of being neurotic, every detail is taken into consideration and he questions everything. Though I am more laid back than him, I still inherited this need to dig deeper and seek information without taking anyone's ideas as fact. It took a long time to choose a car seat for the Pea because 1.) I needed one that was safe. I mean, very safe. 2.) I wanted one that she could grow into and last a while because 3.) Our baby gear budget was dwindling and we could not afford the almost $400 Britax I wanted when there were other very good seats on the market for a lot less.
After much research we decided on the Evenflo Triumph (but in a much cuter print, hehe). So far I like it a lot although we need a second car seat and I will be getting a Britax and using the Evenflo as a second seat. I've learned that proper installation is just as crucial as getting a large, sturdy seat. And most important of ALL is rear-facing as long as possible.
To me, this is a non-negotiable. I have read far too many articles, watched too many videos, and read too many accounts of the importance of keeping a child rear-facing. A Swedish scientist discovered the physics of rear-facing for children in the 1960s after studying the way that American astronauts sat in a shuttle as it shot off into space.
"The impetus for modern child safety was born in Sweden 1963. The first rear-facing child safety seat was designed by Bertil Aldman of Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden. While watching an American TV program, Aldman noticed the position of the astronauts in the Gemini space capsule. By lying on their backs, in opposite direction to the force of acceleration, they were better able to withstand the acceleration. Professor Aldman believed that this principle could be applied to protect a child in the event of a head-on collision." "Since its inception in 1970, Volvo has gathered over 35,000 real world accident reports, nearly 5,000 of which involving children up to the age of 10 years old. Volvo's own research shows that a 90% reduction in injury is reported with children who are rearward facing."(Reference: Auto News)
Today I was browsing Facebook and I came across a woman who posted a photo of her 7 month old baby girl sitting in a car seat facing forward with a caption that read, "In her big girl seat :)." There is nothing smiley about this. In the event of a head-on collision, that tiny babe will most likely not survive.
I will preach no longer, but I will hope you watch this video if you need any further convincing on this topic. It does not matter if your kid is old enough to kick and complain, I'd much rather deal with a 2 year old that does not like to RF than a child I will never be able to hear again.


On a lighter note, Olivia does not care for car seats at all and would much rather just sit in the seat but that is a totally different story.

1 comment:

Eliska Bobeeska said...

GREAT post! I have a great email I could forward you on the topic as well if I had your email address (not like you need any convincing though!) Adelaide is still rear facing, and it's getting to the point now where her legs can not straighten, so it's going to be interesting to see how long we can keep her this way before her knees are in her ears =)