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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Been productive...

All clothes washed and put away. Custom mattress for crib ordered! Crib is almost done! And I love it. Next week Barb and I are making the sheets for the bed. Making a custom crib is hard because we didn't make it the standard size, it's a bit smaller. This means we have to make everything for it since the other sheets will be too big. It's okay though. Grandma Barb is really good at sewing and I can use my creativity to make whatever I want. We can make Halloween and Christmas sheets! :D

Cravings these past few days: Cinnamon brown sugar pop-tarts (I bought the healthy brand, not the pop-tart brand) and Captain Crunch berries cereal (since the beginning of pregnancy). Also, chicken rolled tacos with guacamole.

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